Tuesday, November 29, 2011

When Do I Need to Change My Aquarium Bulbs? Learn Timeline For Changing Your Aquarium Bulbs

!±8± When Do I Need to Change My Aquarium Bulbs? Learn Timeline For Changing Your Aquarium Bulbs

If my aquarium light bulbs are still working, do I need to change them? The answer is Yes, change your bulbs! As bulbs age, the lighting spectrum shifts from blue to red. Red wavelength light will increase the growth of algae in an aquarium and provides less of the energy corals need to grow.

Why do you need to Change your Aquarium Bulbs:

Even though your bulbs are still turning on and may not look any different to you, rest assured, your aquarium inhabitants can certainly tell the difference. As your bulbs age, they lose their color spectrum and intensity. If you neglect to change them, you will start to witness unwanted algae growth and failing coral, invertebrate, or plant health.

When do you need to Change your Aquarium Bulbs:

Different types of bulbs maintain their spectrum and intensity for various periods of time. Use this timeline as a guide for changing your bulbs.

Normal output fluorescent including NO T5, T8, and T10 - need replacing every 4 to 6 months.

High output fluorescent including HO T5, VHO T5, VHO T12, and Power Compacts - need replacing every 8 to12 months.

Metal Halide Bulbs including Double end and Single end need replacing every 10 to 14 months.

There is a range for the change timeline because of the variances on how long the aquarium bulb may run each day Ie: 8 hours a day, 10 hours a day, etc)

How do you Change your Aquarium Bulbs:

If you have multiple bulbs in your fixture, you should change out old bulbs slowly. Replace a couple bulbs every two weeks until they are all replaced. This is done so that you do not shock the live stock in your tank with the new greater intensity bulbs. You may need to do it over a longer period of time if the live stock are showing stress or if your bulbs were way past due for changing.

It is important to keep up on these important maintenance items in order to keep your aquarium at its best.

When Do I Need to Change My Aquarium Bulbs? Learn Timeline For Changing Your Aquarium Bulbs

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Aquarium Lighting - Play a Benevolent God and Give Your Fish the Best Environment You Can!

!±8± Aquarium Lighting - Play a Benevolent God and Give Your Fish the Best Environment You Can!

Aquarium lighting isn't just lighting, its specialist lighting; more than that, the way you light your aquarium really is the difference between life and death for your fish.

The idea is that the lighting system in your aquarium replicates as closely as possible the light conditions that your fish would enjoy in their natural habitat. The closer you get the better. Move too far away from the habitat lighting and your fish will become stressed and fail to grow. From a purely selfish point of view, if you don't have the right light in your aquarium, your fish will lose their colours, and the chances are that is exactly what you bought them for.

The important thing to understand when you look at aquarium lighting is the Kelvin rating; which is what the K numbers you see on aquarium lights represent. The Kelvin rating gives you some idea of the temperature of the light, that is, how warm or cold looking it is. Cold, blue light has a 'high tech' clinical feel to it and is around 10,000K; this is the sort of temperature that would be used for a tank where you keep reefs and plants. The lowest Kelvin rated aquarium lighting is around 5,500K; the lower rated lamps are used for aquaria with freshwater fish and no plant life.

The best lamps, which are available in a wide range of Kelvin ratings, are metal halide lamps. They produce a shimmer, not unlike sunlight shining on water. Metal halide lamps range in intensity from 75 watts to 1,000 watts and their only disadvantage is that they generate heat - so do be careful.

If you are a new aquarist, you'll probably start your aquarium lighting career with fluorescent lighting, which are the type that are usually provided as part of a lighting kit. Fluorescent tubes for aquaria come in a range of colour temperatures and in three standard sizes. Sizes are indicated by a T number; T12, T8, and T5. You'll need at least a couple of lights, depending on the size of your tank, because fluorescent lamps are far lower in terms of intensity than metal halide. On the plus side though, they don't get hot!

The topic of aquarium lighting is complex and wide ranging, and you would be well advised to get a book on the subject, unless you have a well-informed friend. We've only touched on the subject here, and we haven't got as far as even mentioning marine aquarium lighting!

Aquarium Lighting - Play a Benevolent God and Give Your Fish the Best Environment You Can!

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

WA15-4-F32T8-120V FIX SUNL

!±8± WA15-4-F32T8-120V FIX SUNL

Brand : Sunshine Lighting | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Nov 22, 2011 11:51:12 | N/A

Economically designed narrow wraparound and premium grade surface mounted wrap around luminaire with low brightness linear sides, provides reliable and efficient lighting. I deal for use in indoor application where low glare and ease of installation is required, such as homes, modular homes, mobile homes, stores and public buildings.

  • WATTAGE - 4x 32, VOLTAGE - 120V
  • LAMP TYPE - T8
  • SIZE - 48 in

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Top Ten Tips For Going Green in Your Commercial Kitchen

!±8± Top Ten Tips For Going Green in Your Commercial Kitchen

Restaurant Equipment and the Green Revolution in Commercial Kitchens - Going Green in the Commercial Kitchen with Environmentally Friendly Products, Pro-environment Practices and a Green Mindset: As manufacturing companies, service providers and top decision-makers all over the world look for ways to positively impact the environment, it's time for the foodservice industry to conduct an honest introspection and commit to making changes going green every step of the way.


The foodservice industry is globally positioned to usher in the green revolution simply because of the size of the industry and significant energy consumed. Any changes, no matter how small, that were embraced throughout the industry would produce significant impact. And the change in operational procedures and processes isn't limited to the acquisition of restaurant equipment. There are a number of strategies you, as the responsible owner of a foodservice operation, can adopt in your commercial kitchen to run a genuinely green operation and not only contribute to a safe environment, but also favorably impact your bottom line by reducing utility expenses and enhancing overall productivity. Here are ten tips to help you reach this goal in a way that calls for minor modifications in operational practices, employee training and a dash of plain common sense.

Tip#1: Reduce Water Consumption

Water consumption in your restaurant, college cafeteria or catering operation is inevitable. However, there are many things you can do to cut back unnecessary water consumption and reduce usage.

The Dishwasher Fallacy
The commercial dishwasher is perhaps the most prominent piece of restaurant equipment you use in your foodservice operation. Unfortunately, most commercial dishwashers are neither energy efficient nor do they support water conservation. You may not be able to replace your existing dishwashers with energy efficient ones due to budgetary constraints. However, if you can, consider investing in dishwashers and other commercial restaurant equipment that display the Energy Star logo. More about this in a moment. While using dishwashers in your foodservice operation, attempt as often as possible to set the units to the right cycle. Some utensils may not be as soiled as others and so they may not need to undergo an extended cycle. The longer the cleaning cycle, the higher the water consumption. If you have a small operation where dishes are cleaned manually, train your dishroom staff not to leave faucets running continuously. Cleaning and rinsing smaller utensils and china in a large plastic trough will save gallons of water and show a reduction in your monthly water bill, says Laurel Kohl, a senior researcher at the Institute for Sustainable Energy at Eastern Connecticut State University. Kohl further believes that using tap water for the dining service is more earth friendly when compared with bottled water and tends to conserve water resources as opposed to bottled water.

Icing up the Ice Machine
By maintaining a record of the usage of ice at your foodservice facility, try to estimate the amount of ice you use on a daily basis and set the production accordingly. If you are located on a college campus and the students are out for spring break, reduce the number of ice machines you operate during slower times. This will not only conserve valuable water resources but also the electricity used to operate the ice machines.

Low Flow Pre-rinse Spray Hoses and Faucets
Installing low flow pre-rinse spray hoses and faucets is an excellent way to control water consumption at your facility. Most importantly, ask your maintenance man to come in once a month and check thoroughly for dripping faucets. Since he is the expert, you can ask him to make recommendations regarding water conservation.

Tip #2: Reduce your Energy Consumption

Michael Abbate, author of Gardening Eden: How Creation Care Will Change Your Faith, Your Life, and Our World believes that the best way to conserve resources is by tracking them and responding proactively before the damage becomes extensive. Reducing your energy consumption in your commercial kitchen isn't as challenging as you think.

Energy Star
If you are planning to replace older commercial kitchen and restaurant equipment, invest in appliances that display the Energy Star logo. This is a government sponsored initiative jointly supported by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the US Department of Energy. Energy Star appliances are certified to be energy efficient and are validated after stringent testing.

Run Simple Checks in your Commercial Kitchen
Visually inspect all tabletop and heavy-duty restaurant equipment for wear and tear. Take a piece of paper such as a dollar bill and try to slide it through your refrigerator doors. If it goes through, you are wasting energy and probably need a new door gasket. Finally, optimize all your thermostat settings when inspecting your restaurant equipment.

Energy Assessment
Most utility companies in the US and Canada will conduct commercial energy audits of your foodservice facility for little or no charge. Request one if you haven't done so already. They are the experts and will be able to offer the right type of guidance to help you reduce your energy bills. If you have extended warranties on your commercial kitchen equipment, request the manufacturer for an all points energy check. Most manufacturers today are as concerned about the environment and conservation as you.

Tip #3: Reduce Waste

There's no limit when it comes to the measures you can adopt to reduce waste in your commercial kitchen. Here are just a handful of suggestions.

Collecting Recyclables
Foodservice operations receive food and supplies everyday and much of the packaging is recyclable. Because you are removing the packaging in order to get to your supplies, it is extremely easy to collect, sort and recycle. Most urban areas offer recycling pickup along with trash collection. If this isn't available in your area, contact a commercial recycler if the quantities are large. Your recycler can assist you in setting up an easy to manage program.

Use Compacters and Pulpers
Compactors and pulpers are instrumental in reducing the physical size of trash which needs to be removed from your premises daily. If you did not invest in them while acquiring your restaurant equipment, it isn't too late. Compactors and pulpers go a long way in reducing the energy resources required to process waste. According to an Energy Star study jointly sponsored by the US EPA and the US Department of energy, investment in energy efficient restaurant equipment and other commercial appliances can cut operational costs by up to 10-30%.

Tip #4: Use Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Supplies

It has taken some time for the foodservice industry to come to terms with the fact that traditional cleaning products are not only environmentally unfriendly, they may even be hazardous to public health in more ways than one. Hundreds of studies have demonstrated beyond doubt that these cleaning products contain carcinogens and other harmful ingredients. Here is what you can do:

Switch to Natural Cleaning Products
Josh Dorfman, the author of The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget, believes that we no longer have an excuse not to use eco friendly cleaning products. They are not only easily available but also priced competitively. Moreover, they won't hurt your employees or send them to the emergency room.

Green cleaning no Longer Violates the Codes
Commercial and municipal codes in most jurisdictions have been suitably modified to promote green cleaning. This practice also preserves the quality of water and does not damage ground water tables.

Tip #5: Change to Biodegradable Products where possible

Using biodegradable products is no longer a fashion statement but a genuine global initiative. As scientists continue to look for more avenues and sources for eco friendly bio materials, the practice is sure to help minimize further damage to the environment.

Use Biodegradable Packaging
When packaging orders for quick service customers, take out orders or left overs, use packaging constructed from recycled paper board. Other biodegradable options you may want to consider include eco friendly food packaging made of bagasse, or sugar cane fiber.

Bio Plastics
While conservationists argue over how to store toxic waste, a new line of plastic products called bio plastics is gradually gaining hold. Depending on the size and level of your foodservice operation, you can explore the possibility of switching over to bio plastic products. Many articles and reports have recently appeared in trade publications on this subject which you should give a second look. Bio plastic products are usually constituted from corn or potato starch and are known to be 100% biodegradable.

Tip #6: Change your Lighting

We all take lighting for granted and realize its critical importance only when there is either a black out or a brown out. Like other energy resources, lighting is an area that calls for immediate intervention.

Energy Efficient Lighting
According to a study, 13% of your energy expense is generated by the lighting you install in your facility. You can reduce this ratio by installing T8 fluorescent lighting not only in your commercial kitchen but also in the immediate vicinity. Other measures include installing motion detectors in walk-in freezers, setting up timers in common areas and plain old good sense-asking your service personnel to turn off lights when not in use.

Amazing Statistics
According to a study from the Foodservice Technology Center at Pacific Gas and Electric, about 80% of the billion consumed by the foodservice sector in energy costs goes to waste. Unproductive lighting energy costs form a significant portion of this excess.

Tip #7: Education for yourself and Employees

An educated staff is also a competent staff and this adage extends to leveraging the positive energy of the green movement as well. Here are a few tips and tricks you can consider:

Resources from Manufacturers
Make a few phone calls and you will be amazed to learn the extent to which the manufacturers and distributors of energy efficient restaurant equipment and other commercial kitchen appliances can help you and your employees learn about going green and staying green.

Training Programs from Industry Groups
Certification and training programs organized by industry trade groups such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and the Green Restaurant Association are great places to start. Other training and continuing education opportunities are often covered in many trade magazines and ezines.

The Almighty Internet
Simply conduct searches on the Internet and locate relevant resources to help your company go green. Forward these links via group messaging to your employees and announce little incentives for those who read these resources.

Tip #8: Buy Local

"Buying local" refers to the practice of sourcing your products locally. This is an environmentally friendly strategy that is bound to pay rich dividends. Here is why:

Vote with your Feet
If you source your food products, cooking supplies and other essentials from within your local community, you can influence the processes used to grow the food. Large volume buyers always have a say in not just the product but also the process. Buying organic or from sustainable resources is a quick step the right direction.

Energy friendly Conservation
Sourcing locally also reduces environmental damage owing to transportation. The closer your produce or other food products are to your location, the less the transport resources are used.

Tip #9: Conduct the Research

The green movement is not a static entity. It is a dynamic, continually evolving global phenomenon that not only calls for but also requires research and study on your part. Such research does not have to be full time. There are plenty of online resources you can identify that will help you locate possible areas of interest.

Green Blogs
You can also use Technorati or Google Blog Search to locate blogs on green issues. Thousands abound. Better still, why not set up your own blog on going green. It is not only free to blog but it can also provide you with a forum to exchange thoughts, views, ideas and opinions with like minded industry professionals who share a common mandate with you.

RSS Feeds
If you are not all that techno savvy and don't have the time to become one, ask your computer service provider to send someone over to set up an RSS feed for you which covers the green revolution as it pertains to the foodservice industry. You will be impressed with the number of links you will receive every day on the subject. Through careful keyword selection, you will also be able to control the number of focus areas you have configured the RSS reader to aggregate.

Tip #10: Stay Committed

The green movement is not simply a trend or a fad. It is here to stay and continues to increasingly impact every industry, profession and vertical. Even the consumers are on the cutting edge. According to a study published in 2008 by the National Restaurant Association, 62% of customers surveyed indicated that they would prefer to dine at an environmentally friendly restaurant rather than one that did not consider the environment as a priority. Therefore, it makes good business and environmental sense to stay committed to the green cause and foster a back to nature approach in your operation.

Top Ten Tips For Going Green in Your Commercial Kitchen

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Light Output ... NO -vs- VHO ... 4 Foot Fluorescent

Like the previous video comparing brightness of 96-inch (8 foot) lights, This is a comparison of brightness between 48-inch (4 foot) lights. But this time we will use a few different types: * Normal Output, Low Power Factor (NO-LPF) .. 48" * Normal Output, High Power Factor (NO-LPF) .. 48" * High Output (HO) .. 96" yeah i know not the best comaprison * Very High Output (VHO) .. 48" ...I even throw in a quick view of a F32T8 Notes: * All the lights have standard electro-magnetic rapid start ballasts * (except the T8 & that OD-NO one, both have electronic) * For those who are wondering OD-NO stands for OverDrive Normal Output, it is a way of rewireing lights for extra brightness * I couldn't help laughing at the way my computer says some of the words here :)

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Use LEDs For Better Lighting in Your RV

!±8± Use LEDs For Better Lighting in Your RV

Do you have too many fluorescent fixtures in the ceiling of your RV? Manufacturers love to fill a rig with more than is needed -- it looks impressive and it increases the price. You can be shining too much light into the living space, or using too much electrical power to create the lighting, or both.

A prudent RVer will take a rational approach to lighting. LED lighting offers two ways to reduce the lighting in an RV to a reasonable level.

My situation is a typical example. The fifth-wheel RV that I use at my basecamp has sixteen 12-volt fluorescent fixtures, each containing two F15T8 tubes. Each fixture uses 30 watts (2.2 amps) of 12-volt power to produce an effective 1,100 lumens of white fluorescent light.

If all fixtures are turned ON at the same time, the wattage is 480 watts (40 amps), and that produces a rated luminosity of 27,480 lumens. But because of the limited light efficiency of fluorescent fixtures, the sixteen fluorescents only provide an effective 17,600 lumens (1,100 lumens each).

Oh yes, since the electrical efficiency of the ballast and lights is only about 50%, they are pumping 240 of those watts into heating the air in my rig. In my humble opinion, that is just too much lighting (and heating) for an RV, even a large one with 400 sq-ft of space.

My sixteen fluorescent fixtures are grouped into four sets of three each and four singles. By turning OFF two of the three fixtures in each group, we could reduce our consumption to 240 watts (20 amps), and still have an effective luminosity of 8,800 lumens. That helps, but the resultant lighting is lumpy. It is too bright in some areas and dim in other parts of the rig. So we still have too much lighting for some of the space we live in, and too little elsewhere.

The obvious solution is to switch to LEDs to replace the fluorescent -- and that is what I did. But I did more than simply replacing the fluorescents with LEDs, I considered the problem of having too much light.

When I switched to LEDs, I intentionally reduced the amount of light from each fixture by disconnecting the ballasts and installing a single 12-inch length of MyT.fLED LightStrip in each fixture. Each fixture now provides an fully effective 480 lumens of light, pointing downward into the room, so the total real lighting is 7,680 lumens, nearly what I gott by turning off eight of the fluorescent fixtures. And now the light is constant throughout the rig, just as we want it. At the same time I have reduced the electrical load for lighting from 480 to 96 watts, (40 amps to 8 amps).

As an added bonus, on warm summer evenings, I no longer have to use nearly 750 watts to power the air conditioner to remove the excess heat produced by the fluorescent fixtures with their inefficiencies. That can easily add up to an additional 3kwhr per evening, so I am saving 4.2kwhr per evening. When you live here in southern California that is only Body.90 per evening, but do that for four months and it quickly adds up.

At a retail cost of .20 each, the cost of converting all sixteen fluorescent fixtures is less than 0 with the 10% quantity discount. I get better light where I want it without heat or fluorescent radio interference or having to replace fluorescent tubes. And it takes about 5 minutes to convert a fixture.

Using LEDs is a win-win solution.

Use LEDs For Better Lighting in Your RV

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